Why Is The Sky Blue



floor: 0.2
listed on Foundation.app

Sometimes, an absolutely blue sky can seem dull if we're not open to curiosity about the world around us, and ourselves. But even as we grow up and lose interest in the familiar, we can stop, look at things from a different angle, and ask questions "Why is the sky blue?"

The collection reflects my architectural background, where the balance of shapes, lines, and colours is crucial. In each frame, I capture my feelings for the impeccably clean, elegantly strict, and utopianly open material culture of humanity.

12 frames of the collection - 12 moments of sky purity through the lens of an undying interest in the world around us. These are different facets of a single desire to see something new and delightful in this world again. "Why Is The Sky Blue" is a quintessential expression of purity, balance, openness to the world, and finding oneself within it.


1st anniversary